Making the RV Journey Easy
If you are curious about camping or looking to rent or purchase your own RV, we have helpful guides that can take you through your first steps. As an RV beginner you can find answers to common questions, with tricks and tips that can help you have an epic camping experience.
Here you can find helpful information about camping with an RV. We cover the basics of operating an RV, care, cleaning, maintenance, travel planning, finding campsites, and more.

Steve’s Story
As a kid I always loved tinkering with things, taking them apart to see how they worked. And I’ve always loved to travel. So when I joined the Navy as an electronics technician, it was a perfect fit. I traveled extensively during my time in the Navy, even circumnavigating the world. After I finished my service, I went to college to become a software engineer.
Sandy and I met during our time in college. We married shortly afterward and together we started our careers. Right about that time, the internet became a thing. And even though I often worked on websites professionally, I always wanted to start a blog of my own. Yet, it seemed dealing with the limitations of technology got in the way of writing. At that time blogging didn’t get going for me like I hoped it would.
Then in 2010 things took a bad turn. Unfortunately, a nearly fatal health problem caused me to take a break from work for several years. I almost lost everything. Thankfully, with the support of my loving wife and the help of talented surgeons, and a great medical team, I was able to recover. After that experience, I had a profound appreciation for how lucky I was.
My wife and I have always shared a passion for traveling and the outdoors, and later as a family with our children. After years of staying in cabins and hotels, we decided to give traveling in an RV a try and rent one for our first experience. We loved RVing, and it became our preferred way to travel. It turned out that camping in an RV was more enjoyable for us in ways that traditional hotel stays couldn’t match.

There was a lot to learn about traveling by RV. As I continued doing research and gaining knowledge, I couldn’t help but feel the urge to share what I was learning with others. Technology had improved over the years, which made publishing to the web much easier. I decided to create a website dedicated to RV camping and all its wonderful perks.
Sandy’s Story
I’m a hometown girl who never really traveled until I met Steve in college. Together we developed a passion for taking road trips to far off places.
Teaching and being a mom are my two main passions in life. And I love to cook, so every dinner is a hot meal. Steve loves to grill at home and while camping, so we make a good team.
I don’t like to fly, but I’ll take a road trip any day! One plane trip to Florida was enough for me, and that was back in the 90s when flying was fun. Nowadays I would much rather hit the open road for an adventure.
When Steve proposed the idea of camping, I had my doubts. I need a bathroom. And my kitchen. And solid walls to keep out critters, especially bears. No tents for me.

Then we discovered how travelling in an RV made camping the best of both worlds. Now it’s my preferred way to travel. We can have a cozy, homey space that’s our own to take wherever we go.
Steve has a knack for writing, and I’m glad we can share what we learned to help others have an easy RV journey.
Why We Started GoRVCamp
After renting out different types and sizes of RVs to get a feel for what we enjoyed, our love of RV camping only grew. For a time, we continued renting to get a feel for what we liked.
What size and type of camper worked for us?
Was the bathroom big enough?
Did the kitchen have enough storage?
Did we prefer cooking inside or outside on the grill?
Was our tow vehicle up to the task of pulling the size trailer we wanted?
With all there was to learn, we knew we had to make it easier for others who were in the same boat – so Go RV Camp was born! You can find information for all your RV camping needs – from finding destinations and travel planning to cooking and preparing meals. We have up-to-date information about RVs, and honest recommendations on products and services that we actually use.
We love to help!